● Verbs

● Verbs

For example, let's look at the Verb Ship. A Verb defines a relationships between a Subject and an Object:

Shipper.ships: Shipment

In this case, Shipper is the Subject that is performing the Verb to the Object

An Action is an instance of Resource performing the Verb to the Object like:

Amazon.ships: Order\abc123

You can also express metadata on the Verb:

  from: Origin
  to: Destination
  with: Provider

There are multiple tenses of the Verb Ship:

  • Activity: Shipping
  • Event: Ship
  • Action: Ships
  • State: Shipped
  _subject: Shipper
  _event: Ship
  _action: Ships
  _activity: Shipping
  _state: Shipped
  _object: Shipment
  from: Origin
  to: Destination
  with: Provider
  asn: EDI.AdvancedShipmentNotice
  bol: EDI.BillOfLading



The Activity is otherwise known as the gerund, or Noun form of the Verb. This is is typically formed by adding -ing to the base Verb.


⊙ Get

⊜ List

⊛ Search

⊕ Create

⊝ Upsert

⊘ Update

⊗ Delete