
The item is suitable only for adults, without indicating why. Due to widespread use of "adult" as a euphemism for "sexual", many such items are likely suited also for the SexualContentConsideration code.


{ "id": "https://schema.org/UnclassifiedAdultConsideration", "label": "UnclassifiedAdultConsideration", "comment": "The item is suitable only for adults, without indicating why. Due to widespread use of \"adult\" as a euphemism for \"sexual\", many such items are likely suited also for the SexualContentConsideration code.", "subTypeOf": "https://schema.org/AdultOrientedEnumeration", "enumerationtype": "https://schema.org/AdultOrientedEnumeration", "equivalentClass": "", "properties": "", "subTypes": "", "supersedes": "", "supersededBy": "", "isPartOf": "https://pending.schema.org" }