
The time needed to accelerate the vehicle from a given start velocity to a given target velocity.<br/><br/> Typical unit code(s): SEC for seconds<br/><br/> <ul> <li>Note: There are unfortunately no standard unit codes for seconds/0..100 km/h or seconds/0..60 mph. Simply use "SEC" for seconds and indicate the velocities in the <a class="localLink" href="/name">name</a> of the <a class="localLink" href="/QuantitativeValue">QuantitativeValue</a>, or use <a class="localLink" href="/valueReference">valueReference</a> with a <a class="localLink" href="/QuantitativeValue">QuantitativeValue</a> of 0..60 mph or 0..100 km/h to specify the reference speeds.</li> </ul>
