
A Global Trade Item Number (<a href="">GTIN</a>). GTINs identify trade items, including products and services, using numeric identification codes.<br/><br/> The GS1 <a href="">digital link specifications</a> express GTINs as URLs (URIs, IRIs, etc.). Details including regular expression examples can be found in, Section 6 of the GS1 URI Syntax specification; see also <a href=""> tracking issue</a> for discussion. A correct <a class="localLink" href="/gtin">gtin</a> value should be a valid GTIN, which means that it should be an all-numeric string of either 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits, or a "GS1 Digital Link" URL based on such a string. The numeric component should also have a <a href="">valid GS1 check digit</a> and meet the other rules for valid GTINs. See also <a href="">GS1's GTIN Summary</a> and <a href="">Wikipedia</a> for more details. Left-padding of the gtin values is not required or encouraged. The <a class="localLink" href="/gtin">gtin</a> property generalizes the earlier <a class="localLink" href="/gtin8">gtin8</a>, <a class="localLink" href="/gtin12">gtin12</a>, <a class="localLink" href="/gtin13">gtin13</a>, and <a class="localLink" href="/gtin14">gtin14</a> properties.<br/><br/> Note also that this is a definition for how to include GTINs in data, and not a definition of GTINs in general - see the GS1 documentation for authoritative details.
