
A maintainer of a <a class="localLink" href="/Dataset">Dataset</a>, software package (<a class="localLink" href="/SoftwareApplication">SoftwareApplication</a>), or other <a class="localLink" href="/Project">Project</a>. A maintainer is a <a class="localLink" href="/Person">Person</a> or <a class="localLink" href="/Organization">Organization</a> that manages contributions to, and/or publication of, some (typically complex) artifact. It is common for distributions of software and data to be based on "upstream" sources. When <a class="localLink" href="/maintainer">maintainer</a> is applied to a specific version of something e.g. a particular version or packaging of a <a class="localLink" href="/Dataset">Dataset</a>, it is always possible that the upstream source has a different maintainer. The <a class="localLink" href="/isBasedOn">isBasedOn</a> property can be used to indicate such relationships between datasets to make the different maintenance roles clear. Similarly in the case of software, a package may have dedicated maintainers working on integration into software distributions such as Ubuntu, as well as upstream maintainers of the underlying work.
