
The <a class="localLink" href="/mobileUrl">mobileUrl</a> property is provided for specific situations in which data consumers need to determine whether one of several provided URLs is a dedicated 'mobile site'.<br/><br/> To discourage over-use, and reflecting intial usecases, the property is expected only on <a class="localLink" href="/Product">Product</a> and <a class="localLink" href="/Offer">Offer</a>, rather than <a class="localLink" href="/Thing">Thing</a>. The general trend in web technology is towards <a href="">responsive design</a> in which content can be flexibly adapted to a wide range of browsing environments. Pages and sites referenced with the long-established <a class="localLink" href="/url">url</a> property should ideally also be usable on a wide variety of devices, including mobile phones. In most cases, it would be pointless and counter productive to attempt to update all <a class="localLink" href="/url">url</a> markup to use <a class="localLink" href="/mobileUrl">mobileUrl</a> for more mobile-oriented pages. The property is intended for the case when items (primarily <a class="localLink" href="/Product">Product</a> and <a class="localLink" href="/Offer">Offer</a>) have extra URLs hosted on an additional "mobile site" alongside the main one. It should not be taken as an endorsement of this publication style.
